Phasmophobia Complete Guide



Main Equipment

Spirit Box is really simple, just turn it on and ask questions to the Ghost in the Ghost Room you don't need to say the Ghost name, just ask the question, the best way is to ask questions fast so you get an answer fast too, I like asking "Where are you?", "Are you here?" and "What do you want?".


You can let the Spirit Box on on the ground and the Ghost may respond to it even if no on is around or asking questions.

There is no trick here, just put the book inside the ghost room, sometimes it takes forever and sometimes the Ghost writes it pretty fast.

I lied, there is one small trick to know if there isn't Ghost Writing, if you see the ghost throwing the book you can be sure there won't be any Ghost Writing. I like to put the Ghost Book right below or on top of D.O.T.S so I know if the book moved a little.

If you hear something being thrown run there and put that EMF Reader to work EMF is really useful to take photos too, if the EMF is beeping you can still take a picure of what was interacted with.

  1. EMF 2: Ghost interacted with something (like opening doors).
  2. EMF 3: Ghost threw something.
  3. EMF 4: Manifestation / Ghost Event.
  4. EMF 5: Evidence (it has 25% chance of ocurring).

Nothing new to say here really, if you hear a door opening of closing run there with your UV Flashlight (or Glowstick) and check for fingerprints. Also check light switches if the Ghost turned any light on or off, check windows if you hear the Ghost hitting a window and check for footprints if the Ghost step on salt (Footprint doesn't count as Fingerprint, but is essential to do the Wraith test that you can check HERE)

This Flashlight is weaker than the stronger flashlight and has a yellow light (while the strong one is white). I personally only play with the weak one, for me it makes the game a little more scarier and harder and I enjoy it, but that's a very personal choice.

You can use the Video Camera by holding it and walking around the house looking at the video screen, you might see some Ghost Orbs.

Placing the Video Camera in a good place that you can see most of the room will make the game a lot easier.

Really useful to make some fat money. Different photos gives different money.

$5 3 star - $2 2 star - $1 1 star

  • Dead Body
  • Interaction
  • Fingerprint
  • Footstep
  • Cursed Possession
  • Salt pile stepped in
  • DOTS ghost
  • Ghost Writing

$10 3 star - $5 2 star - $2 1 star

  • Used crucifix
  • Dirty water
  • Bone

$20 3 star - $10 2 star - $5 1 star

  • Ghost

The best way to use DOTS is by putting it in a place that covers most of the Ghost Room, if you have 2 DOTS put one a little far away from the other so you can cover most of the room. I also don't recomment putting it too close to a Video Camera because the image will be too bright to see something.

Secondary Equipment

Candles slow sanity drain in the darkness and also provides light source without attracting the Ghost. It is also useful to know if the Ghost is around and to slow sanity drain in big maps while searching for the Ghost Room or the breaker.

The Ghost will ocasionally blow out a candle that is in 4 meters range of him and the candle will extinguish if not blown after 2.5 to 5 minutes.

Candles are essential to test for Onryo, check out the test HERE

The Crucifix will stop a hunt from happening inside a 3 meters range around it (5 meters for Demon). It won't stop a hunt that is already happening, and won't work for Cursed Hunts

The Glowstick works like the UV Flashlight, but it has a larger range around, is specially useful to look for Footprints since you can drop it on the ground next to a pile of salt.

The Glowstick glows brightly for 1 minute then gets weaker, but still works.

The Glowstick is also useful to mark places specially in big maps.

It's self explanatory, not very useful, but cool when you are playing with other people so you or them can watch eachother when inside the van.

It's an obligatory equipment if you want to use Smudge Sticks or Candles, since they can only be lit if you have an Lighter on you hand.

It also emits a light that doesn't attract the Ghost, but is less bright than Candles.

It's useful to track the Ghost and to see if it left the room.

It can be useful to find the Ghost Room, follow the sound (the numbers). Not very useful when playing with other people since them opening doors and fliping light switches can interfere.

It is also an essential item to do one of the Banshee tests that you can check HERE

Salt is useful to track where the Ghost is, it is also easiest way to get some photo money (only taking photos of salt won't give you the max amount of money), since you can take pictures of each Footprint.

Salt is also essential to do a Wraith test and one of the Deogen tests that you can check both HERE

It's useful to do tests involving sanity, like Moroi test or test if the Ghost will hunt above 50% sanity. You can check the Ghost Tests HERE

Sanity recover each pill:

  1. Amateur: 40%
  2. Intermediate: 35%
  3. Professional: 30%
  4. Nighmare: 25%

Smudge Stick protect you from the Ghost when it's hunting, you should use the Smudge Stick when the Ghost is about to kill you (before it touches you) and then run and hide (You need a Lighter to use a Smudge Stick).

It's useful to have a Smudge Stick when doing tests that require that you see the Ghost (like one of the Phantom test that you can check HERE).


Always have a Smudge Stick and Lighter inside for when the Ghost starts a hunt and you are far from a Hiding Spot

Useful to track the Ghost, I guess? I don't know, I never use it.

It's a flashligh that is stronger than the normal one (duh) and emits a white light.

One of the most useful items to find the Ghost Room, you need to turn on the breaker first, then walk around with the Thermometer looking for a low temperature (below 10C could be indication depending on the weather outside, if it's snowing you should look for below 6C). If it's less than 3C it's 90% chance that you are in the Ghost Room.

Low Temperature evidence is only when the temperature is negative.

Thermometer can be buggy sometimes. Try using it inside a room for at least a few seconds to get a more accurate temperature.


If you suspect you are in the right room try walking out of it to see if the temperature is a lot different.

It holds the Video Camera, it's useful.

Cursed Possession

Bone is a Cursed Item that will appear in EVERY GAME. It can spawn anywhere on the map, even below carpets, on top of sofas and tables and one time it appeared inside a wall for me, so look carefully for it. Always take a picture before picking it up. It can have many different bone shapes.

Collecting the bone will now grant more rewards when playing on larger maps

  • Large: $30
  • Medium: $20
  • Small: $10

Just have a quick look at it, if you know the map it will be more than enough, if you see nothing compromising then maybe wait a little and look again, since waiting will make the ghost look elsewhere on the room.

It will drain the player using the mirror sanity by 10% very quick, and will break if it reaches 0%.

When activated walk around the map to find the Ghost, you will hear the singing louder the closer you are to the Ghost. If you get to at least 5 meters of the Ghost it will manifest and walk towards the Music Box.

If the Ghost touches the player with the Music Box or walk more than 5 seconds or the Music Box get thrown it will start a Cursed Hunt. If the Music Box is placed on the ground it won't hunt.

If the player using the Music Box reaches 0% sanity it will initiate a Normal Hunt.

Listening to the entire song will drain 75% sanity of any player that hears it.

Ask a question, get an answer, the best question to ask is "Where are you?" so you know what room exactly the ghost is, but it will drain 40% sanity of the player that asked the question, if you already know where the ghost is, don't ask this.

Ouija is good to trick a EMF 5 if the Ghost has that evidence you can ask questions that drain 5% sanity (the lowest), try asking 2 to 3 times to check if it will have an EMF 5 (there's a 25% chance of happening if that's an evidence).

Another useful use is taking picture of every question, it will count as interaction, so ask 5% sanity question and take as many pictures as you want (1 pic per question per person).


Best questions to ask are: "Where are you?" (will drain 40% sanity), "Do you respond to everyone?" (will drain 20% sanity), "Where is the bone?" (will drain 20% sanity) and "How are you?" a few times to try for EMF 5 (will drain 5% sanity).

No tips here, light all 5 candles, take a picture, run.

Each candle decreases the player that lights it sanity by 16%, a total of 80% if it lights all candles.

There are 10 cards that can be pulled and 10 different effects that can happen.

  1. THE SUN: Restores sanity to 100%
  2. THE MOON: Drops sanity to 0%
  3. THE TOWER: Trigger an interaction
  4. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Gains or loses 25% sanity (if it burns green or red)
  5. THE DEVIL: Trigger a Ghost Event towards the nearest player to the Ghost
  6. THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Revives randomly a dead player (if no one is dead it will revive the first that dies)
  7. THE HANGED MAN: Kills the player
  8. DEATH: Trigger a Cursed Hunt
  9. THE HERMIT: Traps the Ghost to its room for 1 minute
  10. THE FOOL: Will appear as other card then will show THE FOOL and nothing will happen

The Voodoo Doll is really useful to get evidence, probably the best Cursed Possession for it. So wait until you found the Ghost Room and use it to trigger evidence.

It can be used up to 10 times, using it drops 5% sanity and will pin randomly a part of the Dolls body and will trigger an interaction, any interaction even EMF 5, D.O.T.S, Ghost Writing and Fingerprints.

If the pin hits the Dolls heart it will drop 10% sanity and a Cursed Hunt will start.


If you are playing with a team you can use the Voodoo Doll strategically to get some evidence. Get all equipment inside (EMF, DOTS, UV and Writing Book), one player will stay in the van watching the camera to see if there'll be DOTS, one player will stay close to the Ghost Room (but not inside because a hunt might be triggered) and one player will hold the doll. The player holding the Doll will pin it ONE time, if it's not in the heart the player close to the room will go inside and check EMF, Writing and Fingerprints. If the heart was already pinned you can do it inside the room without fear of triggering a Cursed Hunt.


A Normal Hunt can't occur during the setup fase which are listened below:

  • Amateur: 5 minutes
  • Intermediate: 2.5 minutes
  • Professional and Nightmare: No setup phase

The setup phase can be ended if a Cursed Possession is used.

Once a Ghost hunts it can't hunt again for 25 seconds.

A Normal Hunt can only happen if:

  1. There is a least one person inside the house;
  2. The requiment sanity for the Ghost is reach, which is usually 50% team sanity (some Ghosts have different requirements that you can check HERE.

A Cursed Hunt happens using Cursed Possessions.

  1. Haunted Mirror: If it breaks (when you reach 0% sanity using it)
  2. Music Box: If the Ghost touches it or walk to it for 5 seconds (a Normal Hunt will happen if the player using it reaches 0% sanity)
  3. Ouija Board: If it breaks (when you ask a question with 0% sanity) or a player asks for "Hide and Seek"
  4. Summoning Circle: If you lit all 5 candles
  5. Tarot Cards: If you draw the card that says Death
  6. Voodoo Doll: When you pin the heart